Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Hoping someone listen to me now..

Really need someone to talk to..

Why I feel stressful?? Why i feel sad?? Why I feel lost???

I dunno what to do..

rasa sedih sangat.. tak tau pe yg rasa pun ye jugak..

Letih dgn semua nih.. Rasa macam nak lari jauh2..

Rilexkan diri.. hmmm....


Unknown said...
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Fathia-Z said...

welcome to the club.
sumpah i feel the same way too.
why la.
dah lah depress,stressed out.
there's no one to talk to pulak tu.
suddenly u feel like u're alone in this world kan.
although ramai je orang but entah lah.
still rasa alone jugak.
like really one to share it with.

~~ShoE~~ said...

betul fat, dunno why kan..
Me sometimes tak tau nak watpe..
just keep on praying, hope can be more peaceful..

Thanks dear, sharing it with me, luv ya..