Wednesday 8 July 2009


Tak tau la nape..

Aku de wat salah ke eh???

Aku tegur je, dia wat dunno...

Nak tny, segan la plak..

tapi mmg setahu aku, takde la plak aku wat salah...

or silap cakap ke...

nape eh dia cam takmo ckp or tegur aku...???


Unknown said...

kenapa tu?
ada prob ke?
long time no news.

Fathia-Z said...

ini mesti one of the cikgus kat sekolah eh?
well honey,don't be bothered by his/her stupid gestures.
if u know u've done nothing wrong then stand by ur believes.

~~ShoE~~ said...

Biasala keje, de org tak suka kita.. Nothing much happens in my life.. Sorry sgt lama tak borak.. cuti sek nanti ley la.. huhuhu

~~ShoE~~ said...

Thanks dear, mmg camtu la life kan.. Dunno how to satisfy everyone.. hhuhu..

Fathia-Z said...

oh u don't have to.
it's not like wajib to satisfy everyone.
like hell lah mereka akan cuba sedaya upaya mereka untuk satisfy u pun.
u just do the best that u could je dah la.
but don't do it for them.
do it cos u want to.